Always up-to-date with the latest news? Check this page regularly on our website for the latest development of ongoing studies, maybe interesting webinars and events, or what other fellow-sufferers want to tell and share about their disease process and experience…
Ongoing HCM Studies
HCM studies in progress...
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (or HCM) is a genetic heart disease in which the heart...
Thickened heart muscle at cellular level
What is exactly a thickened heart muscle
at cellular level?
Prof. Dr. Jolanda van der Velden of the Amsterdam UMC...
Cardiac Amyloidosis
Cardiac Amyloidosis:
the rare cause of heart failure
Some people have no idea that they have Cardiac Amyloidosis....
Hard to trust my body
As a young child, I was already aware that my mother was different from other mothers. My mother was often tired,...
Double Dose Study
Mutations in heart muscle cells
The "Double Dose" partnership aims to uncover how genetic mutations lead to changes...