Our Foundation Cardiomyopathy Research, the Netherlands operates according to the Dutch guidelines of the WBTR (Management & Supervision of Legal Entities Dutch Act). More information about the mission, objectives and board members
of our Foundation can be found on this website.
We want to build a bridge between researchers and patients/public
to propagate scientific Research...
Our Policy
Together for Science!
Our Foundation is dedicated to raise awareness of scientific Research on
cardiomyopathy with the goal of enable more research on various types
of congenital and/or genetic heart diseases.
Policy Plan
of our Foundation
The objectives of our Foundation are:
Raising funds to finance and support scientific Research on cardiomyopathy, so that gene carriers with cardiac disorders can be detected and treated at earlier stage;
Facilitating a patient group (peers) for patients, their loved ones and carriers of congenital and/or genetic heart disease (cardiomyopathy);
Organizing meetings and events for people with a congenital and/or genetic heart disease (cardiomyopathy) with the purpose of providing them information and/or expanding knowledge about scientific Research on this field;
Performing all further actions related to above mentioned activities in the broadest sense or which may be conducive to it.