Scientific Research
Understanding why one heart patient with an inherited heart disease can die at a young age, while another grows old without any symptoms.
For years, scientific Research has been conducted on genetic heart diseases with the aim to better understand the development of inherited heart diseases and better assess the personal risk of heart problems. What exactly causes someone to become ill or not? What goes wrong in the heart muscle cell? And can new treatments be found to prevent heart problems? In this way, cooperation is taking place on several fronts to better help people with a hereditary predisposition for heart disease.

Team Research in the Netherlands:
“Teams of (Paediatric) Cardiologists and Clinical Geneticists are being bundled in academic hospitals in the Netherlands to jointly investigate the causes of genetic heart diseases…”
Ongoing Studies
Cardiomyopathy Research
Do you want to know more about ongoing cardiogenetic Research of specific cardiomyopathy? The most recent projects are listed here.
(regularly updated)…
New zebrafish methods
Cardiac myosin inhibitors for HCM
Surprising results from HCM study
Ongoing HCM Studies
Double Dose Study
Additional information?
Do you have any questions or do you need additional information after reading above mentioned ongoing scientific studies? Or is a specific international research or clinical trial being conducted in the country where you are located, in which our Foundation maybe is participating?…
Please don’t hesitate to reach us by filling out the online contact form of our Foundation.